GIS of public facility administration for Salatiga, Indonesia (2013)
GIS of land and plants for Kendal municipality, Indonesia (2012)
GIS of land and plants for Demak municipality, Indonesia (2012)
GIS of area planning for Banyumas municipality, Indonesia (2012)
GIS and website of area planning at Central Java province (http://penataanruangjateng.info) (2012)
Geographic Information System of drainage and water management for Salatiga, Indonesia (http://www.gissalatiga.info) (2012)
Geographic Information System of road adminsitration for Salatiga, Indonesia (http://www.gissalatiga.info) (2012)
Information system of modul for training, Minsitry of Public Work (2011)
Geographic Information System and Mapping of traffic sign and roads at Central Java, Indonesia. Directorate of Transportation, Central Java, Indonesia (2011)
Geographic Information System and Mapping of slump area at Salatiga, Indonesia (2011)
Geographic Information System for Lhokseumawe municipality, Aceh, Indonesia (2011)
Unika SOEGIJAPRANATA website development (http://www.unika.ac.id) (2011)
“Sistem Informasi Data Kependidikan”, Dinas Pendidikan Kabupaten Brebes (2011)
“Sistem Informasi Geografis”, BAPPEDA Kabupaten Magelang (2010)
Woman Centre of Study website development (http://psw.unika.ac.id) (2010)
“Sistem Informasi Perencanaan Pembangunan”, web based application for Kudus Municipality (2010)
Online Invoice, Payment and analysis web based application for Soegijapranata Catholic University (2010)
“Angket Evaluasi Perkuliahan”, web based student feedback application for Soegijapranata Catholic University (2010)
“Evaluasi Wajib Mengajar Penuh”, record center web based software for Soegijapranata Catholic University (2010)
“Laporan Akuntabilitas Kinerja Pemerintahan” (LAKIP) Software Development, Hibah Bersaing Tahun Kedua, DIKTI 2009
“Laporan Akuntabilitas Kinerja Pemerintahan” (LAKIP) Software Development, Hibah Bersaing Tahun Pertama, DIKTI 2009
Financial Software : Budgeting and realisation system at Soegijapranata Catholic University (2010)
Liquid Vision Project : Legacy Financial Application for mortgage manager and Website (on development, 2008)
Liquid Vision Project : Trade and Retail websites for Advantagecard Pty. Ltd (still in staging phase, 2008)
Liquid Vision Project : MyMarket website upgrade and development, implementing demographycs data and map generator in the website (www.mymarket.com.au, 2008)
Liquid Vision Project : Gametime (flash based website) report generator (http://gametime.net.au) (2008)
Liquid Vision Project : http://www.advantagecard.com.aumainly on .Net programming (web service communication) (2007)
Australian Marketing Value back office tracking site development (http://www.marketingvalue.com.au) (2007)
AdandSell Pty Ltd website development (http://it.adandsell.com.au) (2007)
E-Commerce Website development for AdandSell Pty Ltd, Sydney, Australia (2007): http://adandsell.com.au, http://property.adandsell.com.au
Indosity Project Research (a computer based tool for exploration and training in urban design and planning within Southeast Asian context), in collaboration with Markus Zand (Switzerland), Thomas Zwicker (Switzerland), and Daniel Adinugroho (Indonesia) (2006-now)
Embedded system development for room temperature measurement, Funded by Directorat General of Higher Education (2007)
Embedded system development for room temperature measurement, Funded by Catholic University of Soegijapranata, Semarang - Indonesia (2006)
Smart House simulation (computer interfacing), Funded by Catholic University of Soegijapranata, Semarang - Indonesia (2006)
Accounting Software Development for Accounting Research Laboratory, Diponegoro University, Semarang (2005 - 2006)
APBD / Budgeting Software Development for Government, in cooperation with Accounting Research Laboratory, Diponegoro University, Semarang (2005 - 2006)
“Laporan Akuntabilitas Kinerja Pemerintahan” (LAKIP) Software Development for Pamekasan Government Teritorry, Madura (2004 – 2005)
Data exchange via XML between different database software (2004)