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Research and Publications
  • Zhong, Youliang, Jian Yang, and Robertus Nugroho. "Incorporating Tie Strength in Robust Social Recommendation." Big Data (BigData Congress), 2015 IEEE International Congress on. IEEE, 2015. (Acceptance Rate 18%)
  • Nugroho, R., Molla-Aliod, D., Yang, J., Paris, C., Nepal, S.: Incorporating tweet relationships into topic derivation. In: Proceedings of the 2015 Conference of the Pacific Association for Computational Linguistics, PACLING (2015)

  • Moediartianto., Nugroho, R. ”Digital Technology for Local Knowledge Conservation, case study: Javanese Vernacular Architecture”. Research, funded by United Board for Christian Higher Education (www.unitedboard.org). USD 8000. (2011)

  • Nugroho, R. ”Location Based Service, Towards Intteligent Transport System”. Bunga Rampai "Teknologi Masa Depan dalam Perspektif Unika SOEGIJAPRANATA". Unika Soegijapranata. Semarang. ISBN: 978-979-1268-783 (2010)

  • ”Perpustakaan Berbasis IT”, Speaker, Central Java Librarian Conference, Soegijapranata Catholic University (August 3, 2010)

  • Nugroho, R. ”Online Student Feedback, Evaluation and Implementation at Soegijapranata Catholic University”, Research, funded by Soegijapranata Catholic University (2010)

  • Nugraheni, B., Purnamasari Vena, Nugroho, R. “Penyusunan Sistem Laporan Akuntabilitas Kinerja Instansi Pemerintah  (LAKIP) dan Performance Budgeting berbasis Integrated dan Realtime System”, Competion Grant (Hibah Bersaing), Directorate of Higher Education, First and Second Round” (2009-2011)

  • ”Context-Aware Mobile Computing”, Speaker, on National Seminar, held by Computer Science Faculty and Indosat, Soegijapranata Catholic University (2009)

  • “Context-aware Computing for Personalized Task Manager LBS”, Final Project, supervised by Dr. Helen paik and Dr. Samsung Lim (2010)

  • “UNSW Location Based Service”, Project – as Research Assistant, supervised by Dr. Helen paik and Dr. Samsung Lim, http://www.gnss.unsw.edu.au/webmaps

  • Nugroho, R. “Mapping, The Essential of LBS”, paper, University of New South Wales (2008)

  • Nugroho, R. “Interoperability of Position Determination Technology To Support Ubiquitous Location Based Service”, paper, University of New South Wales (2008)

  • Nugroho, R. EA, Suyanto.“Pemanfaatan Komputer Lama untuk Pengukuran Suhu Ruangan”, Junior Lecturer Scheme, Directorate of Higher Education (2007)

  • Nugroho, R. EA, Suyanto., Mo`a,Edward Christhoporus., Lotan F. “Server Linux And Client Windows”, a book published by ANDI Publisher (2006)

  • Indosity Project Research (a computer based tool for exploration and training in urban design and planning within Southeast Asian context), in collaboration with Markus Zand (Switzerland), Thomas Zwicker (Switzerland), and Daniel Adinugroho (Indonesia) (2006-2007)

  • Nugroho, R. EA, Suyanto. “Pemanfaatan Komputer Lama untuk Pengukuran Suhu Ruangan” (Using old Computer for room temperature monitoring), Funded by Catholic University of Soegijapranata (2006)

  • Nugroho, R. EA, Suyanto. Smart House Simulation, Funded by Catholic University of Soegijapranata (2005)

  • Nugroho, R. “Sistem Pertukaran Data Antar Basis Data”, Prosiding and Speaker, Seminar   Nasional Teknologi Informasi 2005, Indonesian Islamic University (2005)

  • Nugroho, R. Database migration using XML (case study : M. Access, Ms SQL Server and Oracle), Mini Thesis, Funded by Semique program from Informatics Engineering Program Study, University of Atma Jaya, Yogyakarta, Indonesia (2004)

About Me
image I am a lecturer and researcher at Soegijapranata Catholic University (SCU).
Currently  the Vice Rector for Innovation, Research, and Publications at SCU, and a visiting scientist at CSIRO DATA61, Australia
Graduated from 
Macquarie University and The University of New South Wales
See my Curriculum Vitae and past Works from the menu above
Email: nugroho[at]unika.ac.id